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Human Growth Hormone
Research and Clinical Practice
In a state-of-the-art synthesis of basic science and clinical practice, Roy Smith and a distinguished panel of researchers and clinicians review GH regulation and its action at the molecular level, and describe the basis for GH deficiency and the use of GH as therapy in a variety of clinical situations. The clinical presentation moves beyond the treatment of GH-deficient children to include the genetics of GH-deficiency, GH-deficiency in adults, osteoporosis, Syndrome X, sleep quality, GH in AIDS patients, GHRH in clinical studies. Timely and innovative, Human Growth Hormone: Research and Clinical Practice will benefit both basic and clinical researchers, as well as those clinical endocrinologists who want to use growth hormone not only in treating children, but also in treating adult disorders, including those associated with metabolic disease.
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Additional ISBNs
Human Growth Hormone: Research and Clinical Practice 1st Edition is written by Roy G. Smith; Michael O. Thorner and published by Humana Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Human Growth Hormone are 9781592590155, 1592590152 and the print ISBNs are 9780896035058, 0896035050. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781468496109.
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