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In Business with Bees
How to Expand, Sell, and Market Honeybee Products and Services Including Pollination, Bees and Queens, Beeswax, Honey, and More your beekeeping skills to the next level? In Business with Bees provides the answers you need. This book takes serious beekeepers past the beginning stages and learning curves and offers practical, useful advice to move your passion into a part-time or full-time career with measurable results. This beekeeping business how-to guide offers all of the in-depth advice you need, in one place. Writing a business plan Finding the best sources for funding Determining what your facilities will be and how to acquire them Getting and installing the right equipment Cooperating with other local businesses Stocking inventory and managing warehouse space Finding customers Raising and selling queens, packages, and nucs Expanding pollination, including contracts to protect you Making and selling peripheral products from wax, propolis, and honey Organizing teaching, speaking, and planning events Hiring and managing your growing team Promoting your business Measuring your success This book provides solutions for all your beekeeping business questions, from start to finish. With this knowledge, you can become as knowledgeable, confident, and successful in running a business as you are in beekeeping.
This is a digital product.
In Business with Bees: How to Expand, Sell, and Market Honeybee Products and Services Including Pollination, Bees and Queens, Beeswax, Honey, and More 1st Edition is written by Kim Flottum and published by Quarry Books. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for In Business with Bees are 9781631594601, 1631594605 and the print ISBNs are 9781631594595, 1631594591.
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