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Inborn Metabolic Diseases
Diagnosis and Treatment
Five years have passed since the second edition of With respect to the contents of the book, most chapters have been rewritten or extensively revised. A Inborn Metabolic Diseases; Diagnosis and Treatment was published. The third edition, now being presented, few chapters from the second edition have been deleted, since their contents are discussed in other has been thoroughly updated and revised. Again, the clinical presentation, the methods to arrive at the chapters of the present edition. A few new chapters diagnosis and the treatment of the patient have have been introduced, such as a general chapter on remained the focus of the book, that for a large part treatment, which gives a comprehensive list of present has been written by clinicians for clinicians. The scope treatments and new trends, a chapter on persistent of the readership has enlarged: from the original teams hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, a combined chapter of pediatricians, biochemists and dieticians it now also on disorders of ketogenesis and ketolysis, a chapter on disorders of proline and serine metabolism, a chapter encompasses neurologists, internists, geneticists and psychosocial workers. This reflects the fact that for on disorders of cholesterol synthesis, and a chapter on many inborn metabolic diseases the survival of the defective leukotriene synthesis. For more detailed patients and their quality of life have improved.
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Additional ISBNs
Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment 3rd Edition is written by John Fernandes; JeanMarie Saudubray; Georges van den Berghe and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Inborn Metabolic Diseases are 9783662042854, 3662042851 and the print ISBNs are 9783540656265, 354065626X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9783662042878.
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