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Within a Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning context, this book investigates how teachers and learners interacted and articulated their understanding of English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP)-related knowledge in a synchronous EFL classroom. The outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic changed the way people receive education, causing an almost overnight switch from on-campus instruction to distance learning. Under the use of three different learning analytics approaches, this book has moved beyond the usual descriptive understanding of the online learning process to an in-depth exploratory and inferential analysis of the entities, structures, relations, and processes of learning. The findings enrich current understandings of the complexity of ERPP teaching and learning in synchronous learning contexts. These findings also drive us to rethink and reshape the way ERPP instruction is delivered post-pandemic. An essential read for students and scholars of education and academic English. This book will also be a vital source for researchers in the field of learning analytics, data analysis, and data interpretation in language teaching and learning.
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Additional ISBNs
1032558482, 1003434479, 103256220X, 9781032558486, 9781003434474, 9781032562209
Interaction and Knowledge Construction in Online English Teaching: A Learning Analytics Perspective 1st Edition is written by Yining Zhang and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Interaction and Knowledge Construction in Online English Teaching are 9781000953961, 1000953963 and the print ISBNs are 9781032558486, 1032558482. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1032558482, 1003434479, 103256220X, 9781032558486, 9781003434474, 9781032562209.
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