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Interactivity is at the very heart of learning and is evident at all levels of engagement, whether between fellow students, students and tutors, online learning materials or interfacing with the learning environment. Covering both theory and the practical implications of the issues discussed, this book provides international perspectives on key topics including: analysing and designing e-learning interactions, social and conceptual dimensions of learning, interactions in online discussions, interactions in peer learning and professional development of online facilitators. It is essential reading for all those involved in the design, implementation, management and use of open and flexible learning.
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Additional ISBNs
0415357411, 041535742X, 9780415357418, 9780415357425, 6610566933, 0203003438, 1280566930, 1134247443, 1134247494, 1134247486, 9786610566938, 9780203003435, 9781280566936, 9781134247448, 9781134247493, 9781134247486
Interactions in Online Education: Implications for Theory and Practice 1st Edition is written by Juwah, Charles and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Interactions in Online Education are 9781134247486, 1134247486 and the print ISBNs are 9780415357418, 0415357411. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415357411, 041535742X, 9780415357418, 9780415357425, 6610566933, 0203003438, 1280566930, 1134247443, 1134247494, 1134247486, 9786610566938, 9780203003435, 9781280566936, 9781134247448, 9781134247493, 9781134247486.
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