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An exciting and burgeoning new field, the study of serious games has grown from a collection of radical ideas to a recognized and unique tool to create an engaging learning environment. Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games: Emerging Concepts and Future Directions brings cross-disciplinary awareness into the study of games and learning by integrating theoretical models and myriad concepts from distinct fields of study, and applying them to digital game-based learning. Offering unique perspectives from authors worldwide, this book will provide insight and inspiration for technology educators, designers of educational or serious games, and anyone working or conducting research in the field of serious gaming.
This is a digital product.
Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games is written by Richard Van Eck and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games are 9781615207206, 1615207201 and the print ISBNs are 9781615207190, 1615207198.
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