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This book examines the diversity of international student experiences in the top four destination countries in the English-speaking world (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada). Bringing together scholars from the fields of education, sociology, communications, linguistics, international relations, and geography, this edited collection explores the challenges and opportunities of “international encounters” on college and university campuses. Additionally, the contributors rethink many of the key concepts in the field of international student studies such as “international student,” “host community,” and “cultural adjustment” while also critically examining the role that race, gender, and national identity play in shaping international student experiences. Through a series of case studies, the contributions to this book highlight the diverse experiences of international students from different world regions, including East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The broader aim of the book is to enrich our understanding of cross-cultural interactions within the context of higher education institutions in order to enhance the international student experience.
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Additional ISBNs
1475839421, 9781475839425
International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience is written by CindyAnn Rose-Redwood and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for International Encounters are 9781475839432, 147583943X and the print ISBNs are 9781475839418, 1475839413. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1475839421, 9781475839425.
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