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Over the past few decades, there have been growing concerns about ways in which diversity and internationalization converge and diverge with one another across different types of educational institutions. This edited volume is one of the first books to investigate meaningful ways of integrating compe-ting goals between internationalization and diversification within the social fabric of campus life and beyond. Each chapter is a call to action that aims to leverage diversity for broader collaboration in higher education institutions in the U.S. and other sociocultural contexts, while providing insights into best practices in navigating diversity through strategic action plans. Each author challenges issues relating to the diversity efforts of internationalization across disciplinary, cultural and national boundaries as well as strategies to strengthen the campus communities’ commitment to diversity and inclusion.
In addition to its theoretical depth, as well as its cultural and disciplinary breadth, this book addresses issues relevant to many different stakeholders, and hence, potential readers in diverse and international settings. This book is of particular importance to those associated with globally mobile popula-tions, which include but are not limited to, academic faculty, higher education professionals as well as those in administrative positions and policy makers who wish to develop a critical perspective on the current practices on inter-nationalization to further their international efforts.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1433179911, 1433179938, 1433181525, 9781433179914, 9781433179938, 9781433181528
Internationalization in Action: Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion in Globalized Classrooms 1st Edition is written by M. Cristina Zaccarini; ChingChing Lin and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Internationalization in Action are 9781433179921, 143317992X and the print ISBNs are 9781433179914, 1433179911. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1433179911, 1433179938, 1433181525, 9781433179914, 9781433179938, 9781433181528.
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