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This unique and comprehensive overview of open and distance education is written by one of the best known names in the field. It integrates historical, contemporary and future aspects of distance education. Packed with international case studies, it goes beyond looking at the methods and technology of distance education, giving Otto Peters’ renowned visions on the sociological and social impacts of distance education. Now published in paperback for the first time, this new edition includes a new section on virtual universities. A major contribution to thinking on open and distance education, this new edition will reach an even wider audience.
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Additional ISBNs
0749428554, 0749435941, 0203046021, 9780749428556, 9780749435943, 9780203046029, 1136358420, 1136358358, 9781136358425, 9781136358357
Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective 1st Edition is written by Otto Peters and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Learning and Teaching in Distance Education are 9781136358357, 1136358358 and the print ISBNs are 9780749428556, 0749428554. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0749428554, 0749435941, 0203046021, 9780749428556, 9780749435943, 9780203046029, 1136358420, 1136358358, 9781136358425, 9781136358357.
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