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Learning Technologies and User Interaction explores the complex interplay between educational technologies and those who rely on them to construct knowledge and develop skills. As learning and training continue to move onto digital platforms, tools such as artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, video games, virtual reality, and more hold considerable potential to foster advanced forms of synergy across contexts. Showcasing a variety of contributors who are attuned to today’s networked technologies, environments, and learning dynamics, this book is ideal for students and scholars of educational technology, instructional design, professional development, and research methods.
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Additional ISBNs
0367536331, 0367545632, 1003089704, 9780367536336, 9780367545635, 9781003089704
Learning Technologies and User Interaction: Diversifying Implementation in Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development 1st Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Learning Technologies and User Interaction are 9781000441253, 1000441253 and the print ISBNs are 9780367536336, 0367536331. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0367536331, 0367545632, 1003089704, 9780367536336, 9780367545635, 9781003089704.
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