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Written for Higher Education teaching and learning professionals, Learning with Digital Games provides an accessible, straightforward introduction to the field of computer game-based learning. Up to date with current trends and the changing learning needs of today’s students, this text offers friendly guidance, and is unique in its focus on post-school education and its pragmatic view of the use of computer games with adults. Learning with Digital Games enables readers to quickly grasp practical and technological concepts, using examples that can easily be applied to their own teaching. The book assumes no prior technical knowledge but guides the reader step-by-step through the theoretical, practical and technical considerations of using digital games for learning. Activities throughout guide the reader through the process of designing a game for their own practice, and the book also offers: A toolkit of guidelines, templates and checklists. Concrete examples of different types of game-based learning using six case studies. Examples of games that show active and experiential learning Practical examples of educational game design and development. This professional guide upholds the sound reputation of the Open and Flexible Learning series, is grounded in theory and closely links examples from practice. Higher Education academics, e-learning practitioners, developers and training professionals at all technical skill levels and experience will find this text is the perfect resource for explaining “how to” integrate computer games into their teaching practice. A companion website is available and provides up-to-date technological information, additional resources and further examples.
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Additional ISBNs
0415997747, 0415997755, 9780415997744, 9780415997751, 0203872983, 1135215855, 1135215898, 1135215901, 9780203872987, 9781135215859, 9781135215897, 9781135215903
Learning with Digital Games: A Practical Guide to Engaging Students in Higher Education 1st Edition is written by Nicola Whitton and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Learning with Digital Games are 9781135215897, 1135215898 and the print ISBNs are 9780415997744, 0415997747. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415997747, 0415997755, 9780415997744, 9780415997751, 0203872983, 1135215855, 1135215898, 1135215901, 9780203872987, 9781135215859, 9781135215897, 9781135215903.
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