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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The basics of legal research, analysis, and writing in a practical, relevant approach Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing gives students the essential knowledge and tools they need to research and analyze a legal problem and communicate the results in diverse forms of legal memoranda. Covering both traditional and free Internet research, the book’s practical, relevant approach provides a number of outstanding teaching and learning aids, among them short memos with hypothetical factual situations for students to research, research and writing exercises and assignments, writing examples and exercises, online research exercises, citation exercises, numerous sample pages and screenshots, legal research problems with answers, checklists for research and writing, and an Instructor’s Manual. The Sixth Edition updates and expands many of the examples and exercises used throughout the text to give students the latest information available.
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