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Lessons from Shakespeare’s Classroom
Empowering Learning Through Drama and Rhetoric
This volume explores the relationship between the emphasis on performance in Elizabethan humanist education and the flourishing of literary brilliance around the turn of the sixteenth century. This study asks us what lessons we can learn today from Shakespeare’s Latin grammar school. What were the cognitive benefits of an education so deeply rooted in what Demosthenes and Quintilian called “actio”—acting? Because of the vast difference between educational practice then and now, we have not often followed one essential thread: the focus on performance. This study examines the connections relevant to the education offered in schools today. This book will be of great interest to teachers, scholars, and administrators in performing arts and education.
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Additional ISBNs
9781003344919, 9781032384078, 9781000830019
Lessons from Shakespeare’s Classroom: Empowering Learning Through Drama and Rhetoric 1st Edition is written by Robin Lithgow and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Lessons from Shakespeare’s Classroom are 9781000830132, 1000830136 and the print ISBNs are 9781032384061, 1032384069. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781003344919, 9781032384078, 9781000830019.
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