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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Literature-Based Reading Activities: Engaging Students with Literary and Informational Text is the ideal resource for pre-service and in-service teachers looking for practical help and exciting classroom activities for ensuring all students have successful interactions with literature. Brief and inexpensive, it is widely appreciated for its numerous activities, unique discussions of the theoretical and research bases supporting all of the activities, and the variety of grade levels and genres covered. The activities are useful with a wide range of texts, and the guidelines show readers how to be effective decision makers as they plan literature instruction for the culturally, linguistically, and academically diverse K–8 students in today’s classrooms. This new edition includes: Updated information about sharing literature in the context of today’s classrooms. New activities for supporting students’ interactions with literature. Numerous new examples of children’s literature, many of them recent award winners. Updated discussions of research on recent studies and major reports. A new feature, Take Five! (or Take Ten!). Ideas and suggestions for using literature in the content areas. 11 new activities for expanding teachers’ repertoires for engaging students with literature, Increased attention to using technology to support students’ interactions with and responses to literature, More than 80 new examples of exceptional literature, A list of websites of recommended literature, including positive, authentic examples of literature for diverse populations.
This is a digital product.
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