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Managing multimedia semantics is a complex task because content creators and archivists describe and interpret semantics associated with the multimedia content in several ways, depending on the context and use of the information. Disciplines such as computer vision and pattern recognition, multimedia database management and modeling, and film theory and semiotics have contributed ideas, theories and techniques for managing multimedia semantics. Managing Multimedia Semantics effectively ties together current approaches and future trends in managing multimedia semantics. In one comprehensive volume, this book assembles research problems, theoretical frameworks, tools and technologies required for designing multimedia information systems. Managing Multimedia Semantics is aimed at researchers and practitioners involved in designing and managing complex multimedia information systems. It also serves as a reference text for graduate students taking a course in designing multimedia information systems.
This is a digital product.
Managing Multimedia Semantics is written by Uma Srinivasan and published by IRM Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Managing Multimedia Semantics are 9781591405436, 1591405432 and the print ISBNs are 9781591405696, 1591405696.
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