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While online learning was an existing practice, the COVID-19 pandemic greatly accelerated its capabilities and forced educational organizations to swiftly introduce online learning for all units. Though schools will not always be faced with forced online learning, it is apparent that there are clear advantages and disadvantages to this teaching method, with its usage in the future cemented. As such, it is imperative that methods for measuring and assessing the effectiveness of online and blended learning are examined in order to improve outcomes and future practices. Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning aims to assess the effectiveness of online teaching and learning in normal and pandemic situations by addressing challenges and opportunities of adoption of online platforms as well as effective learning strategies, investigating the best pedagogical practices in digital learning, questioning how to improve student motivation and performance, and managing and measuring academic workloads online. Covering a wide range of topics such as the future of education and digital literacy, it is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, educational software developers, academics, researchers, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1799886611, 1799886638, 9781799886617, 9781799886631
Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning are 9781799886648, 1799886646 and the print ISBNs are 9781799886617, 1799886611. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1799886611, 1799886638, 9781799886617, 9781799886631.
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