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As more postsecondary faculty become engaged in designing online learning environments, research conducted on distance education program quality becomes increasingly important. Measurements in Distance Education is a concise, well-organized guide to some of the many instruments, scales, and methods that have been created to assess distance education environments, learners, and teachers. Entries are organized according to the qualities these measures attempt to gauge—such as engagement and information retention—and provide summaries of each instrument, usage information, the history of its development, and validation, including any reported psychometric properties. Offering more than 50 different surveys, tests, and other metrics, this book is an essential reference for anyone interested in understanding distance education assessment.
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Additional ISBNs
0415345979, 113871447X, 0415345928, 1138714461, 1315229447, 9780415345972, 9781138714472, 9780415345927, 9781138714465, 9781315229447
Measurements in Distance Education: A Compendium of Instruments, Scales, and Measures for Evaluating Online Learning 1st Edition is written by Amy J. Catalano and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Measurements in Distance Education are 9781351859097, 1351859099 and the print ISBNs are 9781138714465, 1138714461. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415345979, 113871447X, 0415345928, 1138714461, 1315229447, 9780415345972, 9781138714472, 9780415345927, 9781138714465, 9781315229447.
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