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The present book is intended as a reference guide for emergency and ambulatory care medicine, providing essential information on the most important problems and incidents caused by venomous, poisoning and traumatic marine and freshwater animals. Indeed, though emergencies caused by aquatic animals are becoming increasingly common, there are few reference books devoted to providing medical guidance on them. The book includes a wealth of original images of injuries caused by aquatic animals, while the text covers the current state knowledge on the subject, including the identification of the animals, the clinical aspects of the envenomation/poisonings/injuries, first aid and emergency care, main treatment alternatives and a typical case representing each group of animals. Chapters are organized according to zoological groups: Marine and Freshwater Invertebrates (Porifera, Cnidarians, Annelida, Mollusks, Echinodermata) and Marine and Freshwater Vertebrates (Fish and Reptiles). Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals: A Zoological and Clinical Guide is intended for students and professionals in Medicine (Dermatology, Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Emergency Medicine) and the Biological Sciences (Zoology and Ecology), as well as to practicing professionals working in coastal or freshwater areas.
This is a digital product.
Medical Emergencies Caused by Aquatic Animals: A Zoological and Clinical Guide is written by Vidal Haddad Jr and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Medical Emergencies Caused by Aquatic Animals are 9783319202884, 331920288X and the print ISBNs are 9783319202877, 3319202871.
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