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Modern Concepts and Practices in Cardiothoracic Critical Care
With an increase in admission to intensive care units, medical professionals must search for the best practices and procedures to provide efficient medical care to each patient. Despite medical advances, there is still a need for well-trained cardiovascular intensivists to meet the needs of patients. Modern Concepts and Practices in Cardiothoracic Critical Care brings together the most recent research and current issues facing medical professionals and patients in intensive cardiovascular care to provide the necessary tools and resources for improved health and medical care. Including chapters on safety, ethics, and specific surgical techniques, this book is an essential reference source for medical students, residents, fellows, anesthesiologists, cardiac surgeons, nurses, physician assistants and pharmacists who all care for patients following cardiothoracic surgery. This collection serves as a reference on topics such as patient care, preoperative assessments, pharmacology, surgical technologies and techniques, postoperative patient monitoring, and best practices in cardiothoracic critical care.
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Additional ISBNs
Modern Concepts and Practices in Cardiothoracic Critical Care is written by Adam S. Evans and published by Medical Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Modern Concepts and Practices in Cardiothoracic Critical Care are 9781466686045, 1466686049 and the print ISBNs are 9781466686038, 1466686030. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781466686052.
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