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The ability to communicate with anyone at anytime, anywhere, necessitates a need to provide reliable, resilient, and sustainable applications to support the evolving uses of mobile technologies. Movement-Aware Applications for Sustainable Mobility: Technologies and Approaches focuses on the use of location sensing technology and its wider applicability in supporting sustainable mobility, and presents current research on developing innovative approaches for gathering, representing, storing and analyzing movement data sets being generated from location sensing technology. Offering a unique opportunity for learning about how different techniques are being used to develop new movement-aware applications, this reference work gives students, researchers and practitioners the opportunity to acquire new concepts in the production, awareness and use of sensors, data, and information products for supporting sustainable mobility.
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Movement-Aware Applications for Sustainable Mobility is written by Monica Wachowicz and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Movement-Aware Applications for Sustainable Mobility are 9781615207701, 1615207708 and the print ISBNs are 9781615207695, 1615207694.
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