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Allied health education has long lacked a common literature, as the activities of all these diverse disciplines have been reported only in the specialty journals of each. This review provides a locus for articles of a broad and general nature which the entire spectrum of allied health educators and students will find of vital interest.
Some of the topics included in this first review include dental education, clinical laboratory work, radiologic technology, the physician’s assistant, occupational therapy, and preventive health care. Additional reviews to be published on a regular basis will be devoted to other health disciplines and general health topics.
Essays by Ruth M. French, Joseph Hamburg, John W. Hein, Dennis Robert Howard, Marceline E. Jaques, Jerry A. Johnson, David E. Lewis, Samuel P. Martin, Darrel J. Mase, Edmund Pellegrino, J. Warren Perry, A. Bradley Soule, and George Szasz Joseph Hamburg, general editor; J. Warren Perry & Darrel J. Mase, associate editors
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0813152666, 0813186196, 9780813152660, 9780813186191
Review of Allied Health Education: 1 and published by The University Press of Kentucky. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Review of Allied Health Education: 1 are 9780813163147, 0813163145 and the print ISBNs are 9780813152660, 0813152666. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0813152666, 0813186196, 9780813152660, 9780813186191.
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