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This book presents the consensus findings of the ISAKOS Shoulder Committee regarding the treatment options in patients suffering from shoulder pain and reduced function or dead arm syndrome as a consequence of rotator cuff injuries. The aim is twofold: to equip readers with a precise knowledge of the presenting characteristics of these injuries in different age groups and to describe in detail the initial management and surgical and non-surgicalfind clear descriptions of all the latest arthroscopic techniques, which allow repair of even the largest tears. The indications for and performance of tendon transfer procedures, biceps tenotomy, tenodesis, hemiarthroplasty, anatomic shoulder arthroplasty, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, and revision surgery are explained. Helpful guidance is also provided on the use of strategies to promote rotator cuff healing, including stem cell therapy and scaffolds. The authors are leading experts in the field, and the book will be of value for all shoulder surgeons and orthopaedic trainees and consultants, as well as sports medicine specialists.
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Rotator Cuff Across the Life Span: ISAKOS Consensus Book and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Rotator Cuff Across the Life Span are 9783662587294, 3662587297 and the print ISBNs are 9783662587287, 3662587289.
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