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This book covers Web 3.0 technologies from a software developer’s point of view. While n- techies can use web services and portals that other people create, developers have the ability to be creators and consumers at the same time—by integrating their work with other people’s efforts. The Meaning of Web 3.0 Currently, there is no firm consensus on what “Web 3.0” means, so I feel free to define Web 3.0 for the context of this book and to cover Ruby technologies that I believe will help you develop Web 3.0 applications. I believe that Web 3.0 applications will be small, that they can be constructed from existing web applications, and that they can be used to build new web applications. Most Web 3.0 technologies will be important for both clients and services. Web 3.0 software systems will need to find and “understand” information, merge information from different sources, and offer flexibility in publishing information for both human re- ers and other software systems. Web 3.0 applications will also take advantage of new “cloud” computing architectures and rich-client platforms. Web 3.0 also means you can create more powerful applications for less money by using open source software, relying on public Linked Data sources, and taking advantage of thi- party “cloud” hosting services like Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine.
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