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Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Research and Clinical Applications
Experimental and clinical researchers from a wide range of disciplines present a wealth of fresh scientific information on the biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology, and clinical activity of SERMs. The basic science chapters of the book focus-with an eye to the development of the ideal SERM-on the complex mechanisms of estrogen action, including ligand-dependent conformational changes in alpha and beta, and the recruitment of co-activators and co-repressors which modulate the estrogen receptor transcriptional activity and contribute to its crosstalk with growth factor signaling. The clinical presentation reviews the data accumulated on currently available SERMs, primarily tamoxifen and raloxifene, in cancer treatment and prevention, as well as their effects on the reproductive, vascular, skeletal, and central nervous systems. A tentative approach to menopause-related health issues is also provided for women with and without a previous diagnosis of localized breast cancer.
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Additional ISBNs
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators: Research and Clinical Applications 1st Edition is written by Andrea Manni; Michael Verderame and published by Humana Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators are 9781592591572, 1592591574 and the print ISBNs are 9780896039124, 0896039129. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781468496659.
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