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Leading advocates of sensory integration use in occupational therapy explore the exciting potentials of this profound theory and its applications. This truly comprehensive and enlightening book provides step-by-step assistance for therapists in observing patient’s behavior and appropriately modifying the patient’s environment in order to promote increasingly complex adaptive behaviors. Sensory Integrative Approaches in Occupational Therapy moves beyond the traditional use of the practice with the learning disabled elementary school aged child by demonstrating its successful application in programs for infants, preschoolers, adolescents, and the elderly. Occupational therapists with a wide array of clinical, research, and education experience address contemporary issues such as advocacy, cost effectiveness, family participation, and documentation of patient progress. They clearly demonstrate how sensory integration theory complements and mutually reinforces other common occupational therapy practices. This exciting book will stimulate your creativity and encourage the continued development of sensory integration theory as a vital component of occupational therapy in health care.
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Additional ISBNs
1135820031, 1135819963, 1299286550, 1135820104, 0203727231, 9781135820039, 9781135819965, 9781299286559, 9781135820107, 9780203727232
Sensory Integrative Approaches in Occupational Therapy 1st Edition is written by Florence S Cromwell and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sensory Integrative Approaches in Occupational Therapy are 9781135820039, 1135820031 and the print ISBNs are 9780866566650, 0866566651. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1135820031, 1135819963, 1299286550, 1135820104, 0203727231, 9781135820039, 9781135819965, 9781299286559, 9781135820107, 9780203727232.
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