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Exploring the sociological aspects of sleep and their links to current health debates, this unique text discusses why sleep has been so neglected in sociological literature and examines significant modern issues such as: the 24-hour society sleep and work homelessness dream analysis the medicalization and commodification of sleep. Written by a key international figure in medical sociology, this is the first sociological examination of sleep, making it important reading for academics and advanced students of medical sociology, health studies, and sociology, as well as for professionals and policy makers involved in the area.
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Additional ISBNs
0415354188, 0415354196, 1134258488, 0203000889, 9780415354189, 9780415354196, 9781134258482, 9780203000885
Sleep and Society: Sociological Ventures into the Un(known) 1st Edition is written by Simon J. Williams and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sleep and Society are 9781134258475, 113425847X and the print ISBNs are 9780415354189, 0415354188. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415354188, 0415354196, 1134258488, 0203000889, 9780415354189, 9780415354196, 9781134258482, 9780203000885.
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