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With over 8,000 nonmedical words, phrases, and acronyms related to the health-care industry, Slee’s Health Care Terms is the leading healthcare dictionary available today. Now in its fifth edition, it covers finance & reimbursement, managed care, government regulation, health professionals, legal issues, governance, and more. Written expressly for trustees, and others who need quick, precise information, Slee’s tells you what a term means and why you need to know it in today’s healthcare environment. It is an essential reference for anyone who deals with the health care industry.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0763746150, 0763789038, 9780763746155, 9780763789039
Slee’s Health Care Terms 5th Edition is written by Debora A. Slee and published by Jones & Bartlett Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Slee’s Health Care Terms are 9781449665142, 1449665144 and the print ISBNs are 9780763746155, 0763746150. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0763746150, 0763789038, 9780763746155, 9780763789039.
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