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The US government spends billions of dollars to secure strategic and tactical assets at home and abroad against enemy attack. However, as “hard targets” such as military installations and government buildings are further strengthened, vulnerable soft targets are increasingly in the crosshairs of terrorists and violent criminals. Attacks on crowded spaces such as churches, schools, malls, transportation hubs, and recreational venues result in more casualties and have a powerful effect on the psyche of the populace. Soft Target Hardening: Protecting People from Attack, Second Edition, continues the national dialogue started by the first edition by providing case studies, best practices, and methodologies for identifying soft target vulnerabilities and reducing risk in the United States and beyond. Soft target attacks steadily climbed in number and scale of violence since the first edition of this book. New tactics emerged, as terrorists continually hit the “reset button” with each attack. In this volatile, ever-changing security environment, plans to protect people and property must be fluid and adaptable. Along with new hardening tactics, such as the use of tactical deception to disguise, conceal, and divert, the author has updated the text with new case studies to reflect and respond to the fast-moving transformation in methods from more complex and organized forms of terror to simpler, yet still-devastating approaches. This book is a must-read for those who secure, own, and operate soft target facilities, and for citizens who want to protect themselves and their families from attack. Soft Target Hardening, Second Edition, was named the ASIS International Security Industry Book of the Year in 2019.
Additional ISBNs
1138391085, 0429422962, 1138391107, 9781138391086, 9780429422966, 9781138391109
Soft Target Hardening: Protecting People from Attack 2nd Edition is written by Jennifer Hesterman and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Soft Target Hardening are 9780429750557, 0429750552 and the print ISBNs are 9781138391086, 1138391085. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138391085, 0429422962, 1138391107, 9781138391086, 9780429422966, 9781138391109.
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