China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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Over the past decade, software engineering has developed into a highly respected field. Though computing and software engineering education continues to emerge as a prominent interest area of study, few books specifically focus on software engineering education itself. Software Engineering: Effective Teaching and Learning Approaches and Practices presents the latest developments in software engineering education, drawing contributions from over 20 software engineering educators from around the globe. Encompassing areas such as student assessment and learning, innovative teaching methods, and educational technology, this much-needed book greatly enhances libraries with its unique research content.
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Software Engineering is written by Heidi J.C. Ellis and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Software Engineering are 9781605661032, 1605661031 and the print ISBNs are 9781605661025, 1605661023.
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