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Learn about inclusive religious practices from around the world! With a multidisciplinary and anthropological perspective, Spirituality and Intellectual Disability: International Perspectives on the Effect of Culture and Religion on Healing Body, Mind, and Soul takes a fresh, innovative look into the world of religious and spiritual practices for the intellectually disabled. Containing vital insights from the first strand on spiritualit and disability at the quadrennial conference of the International Association for Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (Seattle, 2000), this book provides a framework for bridging the gap between science and faith. It explores the ways in which faith traditions, cultural backgrounds, and professional roles can help bring about a consensus about what spiritual health means within specific cultures and faiths and across disciplines. This informative book examines and provides cutting-edge information on: recognition of spirituality in health care defining and assessing spirituality and spiritual supports perspectives on intellectual disability from Judiasm, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Native American spirituality creative models of community ministry and religious education liturgical celebrations with people who have severe mental disabilities
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0789016842, 131580896X, 0789016850, 9780789016843, 9781315808963, 9780789016850
Spirituality and Intellectual Disability: International Perspectives on the Effect of Culture and Religion on Healing Body, Mind, and Soul 1st Edition is written by William C Gaventa; David Coulter and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Spirituality and Intellectual Disability are 9781317788119, 1317788117 and the print ISBNs are 9780789016843, 0789016842. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0789016842, 131580896X, 0789016850, 9780789016843, 9781315808963, 9780789016850.
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