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Georg Stuebinger verifies each of the 24 most common and deadliest cancer diseases worldwide including well-established and potential risk factors resp. important symptoms by using current literature and comprehensive scientific studies with a direct relation to the impact of various parameters of sports and exercise training such as training type, intensity, volume, duration and frequency complete with the corresponding effects. The impact of sports and exercise training as a potential therapy on reduced risk of cancer has been widely discussed in many scientific articles over the last few years, but is still widely unknown. In 2012, about 14 m cancer cases and 8.2 m cancer deaths appeared worldwide whereby cancer represents one of the most frequent causes of death accounting for approximately 13% with a continuously rising number.
This is a digital product.
Sports and Exercise Training as Therapy in Cancer: The Impact on the 24 Most Common and Deadliest Cancer Diseases Worldwide is written by Georg Stuebinger and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sports and Exercise Training as Therapy in Cancer are 9783658095055, 3658095059 and the print ISBNs are 9783658095048, 3658095040.
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