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One of the most critical components of providing care for athletes is the ability to provide appropriate care to a suddenly ill or injured athlete. The first of its kind, Sports Emergency Care: A Team Approach, Second Edition is an innovative text that addresses the specific educational needs of athletic training and emergency medical services students who are preparing to handle emergency medical situations in the sports arena. Historically, athletic training educators have been forced to rely on general first aid materials that do not adequately address the needs of athletic training students. The updated Second Edition of Sports Emergency Care fulfills the growing need for a dynamic text that focuses on providing immediate medical care in sports. Sports Emergency Care: A Team Approach, Second Edition is tailored specifically to athletic trainers and athletic training students, focusing on the skills, knowledge, and preparation needed to handle real sports emergencies. Some topics covered in the text include assessment; emergency planning; interaction with emergency medical services; etiology, signs, and symptoms; and common medical emergencies in sports. Updated in the Second Edition: • Introductory scenarios for each chapter • Summary of Key Points for each chapter • Review Questions for each chapter • New chapters on environmental emergencies and mental health emergencies This Second Edition also contains updated information and reflects current practice and guidelines. Additionally, expanded content has been added in areas that are considered critical for sports emergency care providers. Sports Emergency Care: A Team Approach, Second Edition continues to be a groundbreaking text that will familiarize students and athletic trainers with the emergency situations they will inevitably face throughout their careers. At last, educators, students, and athletic trainers have access to the essential resource they need to address sports emergencies.
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Sports Emergency Care: A Team Approach, Second Edition and published by Slack Incorporated. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sports Emergency Care are 9781617118661, 1617118664 and the print ISBNs are 9781617110054, 1617110051.
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