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Sports Medicine is now a specialty in its own right. The Olympics are coming to the UK which has focused interest in the field, and pain in elite sport is an unresolved issue. Sports Medicine is an area that has expanded dramatically in the last 5 years, and demand for educational materials to help bridge the gap in the literature are highly sought-after. This book utilises the excellent sports medicine section originally published within International Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery and present it in a quick reference format for residents and trainees in orthopedic sports medicine. The information presented covers current accepted techniques with scientific rationale and will appeal to all surgeons and health care professionals with an interest in sports medicine. This is a truly international, multidisciplinary manual of foot and ankle surgery in sports medicine by the specialty’s leaders and most experienced surgeons. Current up to date trends and techniques using a scientific approach including evidence based guidelines where applicable are included. The reader will be exposed to a step-by-step approach to each procedure presented.
This is a digital product.
Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery of the Foot and Ankle is written by Author and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery of the Foot and Ankle are 9781447141068, 1447141067 and the print ISBNs are 9781447141051, 1447141059.
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