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Want to know what it’s like to write for a theme park attraction? Or an interactive toy? Or a virtual reality game? Wait – those tell stories? And there are jobs for people who write them? Thanks to technology, interactive products and live experiences can now engage us with memorable characters and exciting adventures that were once destined only for the cinema. Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More is a handbook for writers, students, producers, teachers, scholars, career changers, early tech adopters, and just about anyone who loves story and technology. As a collection of articles from some of the best creative writers in their medium, this book will prepare content creators of tomorrow to tackle some of today’s most exhilarating creative challenges found on a screen … or off! Key Features: Expert advice from several industry professionals who have worked for some of the world’s biggest tech and interactive companies. Best practices that not only guide writers on how to apply their craft to new fields, but also prepare them for the common ambiguity they will find in corporate and start-up environments. Breakdown of platforms that shows how tech capabilities can fulfill content expectations and how content can fulfill tech expectations. Basic storytelling mechanics customized to today’s popular technologies, live experiences, and traditional game platforms.
Additional ISBNs
036769378X, 1003141595, 0367693836, 9780367693787, 9781003141594, 9780367693831
Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms: A Writer’s Guide to Theme Parks, Virtual Reality, Board Games, Virtual Assistants, and More 1st Edition is written by Ross Berger and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Storytelling for New Technologies and Platforms are 9781000596229, 1000596222 and the print ISBNs are 9780367693787, 036769378X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 036769378X, 1003141595, 0367693836, 9780367693787, 9781003141594, 9780367693831.
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