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Strategic Security Management, Second Edition provides security leadership and decision-makers with a fresh perspective on threat, vulnerability, and risk assessment. The book offers a framework to look at applying security analysis and theory into practice for effective security program, implementation, management and evaluation. Chapters examine metric-based security resource allocation of countermeasures, including security procedures, utilization of personnel, and electronic measures. The new edition is fully updated to reflect the latest industry best-practices and includes contributions from security industry leaders—based on their years of professional experience—including Norman Bates, Robert Emery, Jack Follis, Steve Kaufer, Andrew Rubin, Michael Silva, and Ken Wheatley. Strategic Security Management, Second Edition will be a welcome addition to the security literature for all security professionals, security managers, and criminal justice students interested in understanding foundational security principles and their application.
Additional ISBNs1138583669, 0429506619, 0367776510, 9781138583665, 9780429506611, 9780367776510
Strategic Security Management: A Risk Assessment Guide for Decision Makers, Second Edition 2nd Edition is written by Karim Vellani and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Strategic Security Management are 9780429014840, 0429014848 and the print ISBNs are 9780367776510, 0367776510. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138583669, 0429506619, 0367776510, 9781138583665, 9780429506611, 9780367776510.
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