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In the world of digitization today, many services of government and industry are carried out in electronic mode in order to avoid the misuse of natural resources. The implementation of e-services also provides transparency and efficiency. However, these e-services are vulnerable to cyber threats and need special measures in place to provide safety and security as they are being used in the cyber space. This new volume provides an introduction to and overview of cybersecurity in e-services and e-governance systems. The volume presents and discusses the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, as well as the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of security and e-services. The editors bring together leading academics, scientists, researchers, and research scholars to share their experiences and research results on many aspects of e-services, e-governance, and cybersecurity. The chapters cover diverse topics, such as using digital education to curb gender violence, cybersecurity threats and technology in the banking industry, e-governance in the healthcare sector, cybersecurity in the natural gas and oil industry, developing information communication systems, and more. The chapters also include the uses and selection of encryption technology and software.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1774638819, 1003131174, 1771889705, 9781774638811, 9781003131175, 9781771889704
Strategies for e-Service, e-Governance, and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Solutions for Efficiency and Sustainability 1st Edition and published by Apple Academic Press (T&F). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Strategies for e-Service, e-Governance, and Cybersecurity are 9781000293142, 1000293149 and the print ISBNs are 9781774638811, 1774638819. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1774638819, 1003131174, 1771889705, 9781774638811, 9781003131175, 9781771889704.
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