China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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Success secrets of e-commerce pioneers! What’s so important about 213 websites you’ve probably never heard of? They introduce you to Webpreneurs whose experiences and instincts point the way to the future. You can read about them in Striking it As host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Log On U.S.A.” and on-camera Internet correspondent for CBS News, Los Angeles, author Jaclyn Easton is known for cutting-edge e-commerce information and analysis. In this revealing book, she lets you in on unique, proven-effective blueprints for success in every type of Web-based enterprise, including consumer retailing and business-to-business sales information sites that rely on advertising revenue. These exclusive stories of real people making real money on the Web have never been told -— until now.
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Additional ISBNs
0071365362, 0071355790, 9780071365369, 9780071355797
StrikingitRich.Com: Profiles of 23 Incredibly Successful Websites You’ve Probably Never Heard Of 1st Edition is written by Easton, Jaclyn and published by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for StrikingitRich.Com: Profiles of 23 Incredibly Successful Websites You’ve Probably Never Heard Of are 9780071355797, 0071355790 and the print ISBNs are 9780071355797, 0071355790. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0071365362, 0071355790, 9780071365369, 9780071355797.
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