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The Forum on Design Languages (FDL) is the European Forum to exchange experiences and learn new trends, in the application of languages and the associated design methods and tools, to design complex electronic systems. By offering several co-located workshops, this multi-faceted event gives an excellent opportunity to gain up-to-date knowledge across main aspects of such a wide field. All the workshops address as their common denominator the different application domains of system-design languages with the presentation of the latest research results and design experiences. FDL’02 was organized as four focused workshops, Languages for Analog and Mixed-Signal system design, UML-based system specification and design, C/C -based system design and Specification Formalisms for Proven design. FDL served once more as the European Forum for electronic system design languages and consolidates as the main place in Europe where designers interested in design languages and their applications can meet and interchange experiences. In this fourth book in the CHDL Series, a selection of the best papers presented in FDL’02 is published. System Specification and Design Languages contains outstanding research contributions in the four areas mentioned above. So, The Analog and Mixed-Signal system design contributions cover the new methodological approaches like AMS behavioral specification, mixed-signal modeling and simulation, AMS reuse and MEMs design using the new modeling languages such as VHDL-AMS, Verilog-AMS, Modelica and analog-mixed signal extensions to SystemC. UML is the de-facto standard for SW development covering the early development stages of requirement analysis and system specification. The UML-based system specification and design contributions address latest results on hot-topic areas such as system profiling, performance analysis and UML application to complex, HW/SW embedded systems and SoC design.C/C -for HW/SW systems design is entering standard industrial design flows. Selected papers cover system modeling, system verification and SW generation. The papers from the Specification Formalisms for Proven design workshop present formal methods for system modeling and design, semantic integrity and formal languages such as ALPHA, HANDLE and B.
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System Specification & Design Languages: Best of FDL’02 1st Edition is written by Eugenio Villar; Jean Mermet and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for System Specification & Design Languages are 9780306487347, 0306487349 and the print ISBNs are 9781402074141, 140207414X.
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