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Come Back from the Edge Overloaded? Maxed out? Our culture encourages us to live as if we have no limits. So we fill up our schedules and empty our bank accounts. We do as much as we can, spend as much as we can, and acquire as much as we can-all in an effort to get as much as we can out of life. This six-part DVD shows that the secret to getting more out of life is not by doing more, but by doing less. Its companion study guide is complete with a leader’s guide and six lessons, including conversation-starting exercises, discussion questions, and application steps. You’ll learn to create the margin you need to live the life God intends for you. Come Back from the Edge Overloaded? Maxed out? Our culture encourages us to live as if we have no limits. So we fill up our schedules and empty our bank accounts. We do as much as we can, spend as much as we can, and acquire as much as we can-all in an effort to get as much as we can out of life. In this six-session companion study guide to the Take It to the Limit DVD, Andy Stanley explains that the secret to getting more out of life is not doing more, but doing less. We must learn to create margin to live the life God intended for us. This study guide is complete with a leader’s guide and six lessons, including conversation-starting exercises, discussion questions, and application steps. Story Behind the Book Andy Stanley, senior pastor of three North Point Ministries campuses with a cumulative congregation of more than twenty thousand, sees firsthand the burned-out, frenzied life Christians are living. Some are just beginning to establish unhealthy patterns, while others have been living without margin for years, and their health is paying the price. This curriculum was designed to help people establish balance, so that the life God intends for them will become an achievable reality! From the Trade Paperback edition.
Take It to the Limit Study Guide Edition by Andy Stanley and Publisher Multnomah. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780307563033, 0307563030. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781590525500, 1590525507.
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