China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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Hundreds of Legal Deductions for eBay Sellers! If you’re an online seller, take note: now you can reduce–or even eliminate–the taxes you pay using the insider tips in Tax Loopholes for eBay Sellers. You’ll discover hundreds of little-known, completely legal tax deductions and reporting tips that are unique to eBay and designed to benefit small business owners. Learn what the IRS is looking for when sorting out a real business from a hobby and why it matters. You’ll get step-by-step advice on everything from setting up your business and getting a business license to creating a bookkeeping system. Use the power of eBay and the tax strategies in this book to increase your wealth, protect your assets–and lower your tax bill. How much can you fit into your eBay tax loophole? Learn what the best tax-advantaged business structures are for your type of eBay business Get the free “The 9 Steps to Business Test” to see if your business measures up against IRS guidelines Identify and take advantage of hundreds of legal deductions for eBay business owners Determine how often you will prepare a sales and use tax report based on volume Set up a payroll system with the proper withholding deductions for all employees including yourself Create an accounting system to pay bills, input transactions, record sales, keep track of PayPal fees, and balance your business checkbook
This is a digital product.
Tax Loopholes for eBay Sellers 1st Edition is written by Kennedy, Diane; Elms, Janelle and published by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Tax Loopholes for eBay Sellers are 9780072262421, 0072262427 and the print ISBNs are 9780072262421, 0072262427.
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