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The growth of e-learning and distance education today creates an increasingly pressing need for research and writing on the pedagogy of e-learning. Teams are, or should be, an integral component of e-learning. Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams develops this concept by investigating many issues around teams in the virtual and hybrid classroom, bringing a variety of current research and practice on the subject of virtual and collaborative teams in teaching and learning together in a single accessible source. The issues covered by this book include, but are not limited to, theoretical models, pedagogy of e-learning, virtual team design and management, collaborative learning, and strategies for effectiveness in teaching and learning. These issues are considered in virtual or online classes as well as an added pedagogical element in “traditional” classes.
Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams is written by Sharmila Pixy Ferris and published by Information Science Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams are 9781591407102, 1591407109 and the print ISBNs are 9781591407089, 1591407087.
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