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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Learn how to meet the needs of the diverse students in your first classroom through this unique elementary social studies methods textbook. With a unifying theme of diversity, it emphasizes differentiated instruction and meeting the needs of all students, including special attention to English learners, children with mild learning disabilities, and gifted students. Chapters on differentiated instruction (Chapter 4) and culturally-responsive teaching (Chapter 5) provide a strong foundation and context for the strategies and teaching tips that follow in later chapters. Reflecting the national trends toward standards-based instruction and greater utilization of technology, this book is a great resource for your first classroom and beyond. Read and reference this text for comprehensive coverage including new chapters on teaching geography and the literacy and social studies connection, as well as existing chapters on the history and current status of social studies; lesson and unit planning; cooperative learning; critical thinking; technology; assessment; integrating the language arts, the visual arts, and the performing arts; citizenship education; history and geography; and the other social sciences. Finally, instructors and students have praised earlier editions of this book because of its pragmatic and accessible style.
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