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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This comprehensive text gives pre-service early childhood educators a balanced, accessible introduction to early childhood education that also covers the content areas. It shows readers how to teach and care for children by identifying and focusing on five essential elements: understanding child development, play, guidance, working with families, and diversity. Each essential element is addressed in its own separate chapter and then explored at a deeper level in a featured section in ever chapter. Included is a rigorous overview of the planning, preparation, and delivery of a curriculum for young children built around six specific curriculum areas, each explored in its own chapter. The author stresses the importance of play and the need to nurture each child’s natural affinity for learning through experimentation and exploration. Separate chapters cover the importance of the outdoor environment and the effect of technology on early childhood education, giving future teachers a well-rounded look at delivering quality early education. Short vignettes help students better understand young children; numerous practical examples of developmentally appropriate strategies provide tools for actual classroom teaching; and supplemental resources assist instructors in presenting the course.
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