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In Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage, marital psychologists John and Julie Gottman provide vital tools-scientifically based and empirically verified-that you can use to regain affection and romance lost through years of ineffective communication. In 1994, Dr. John Gottman and his colleagues at the University of Washington made a startling announcement: Through scientific observation and mathematical analysis, they could predict-with more than 90 percent accuracy-whether a marriage would succeed or fail. The only thing they did not yet know was how to turn a failing marriage into a successful one, so Gottman teamed up with his clinical psychologist wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, to develop intervention methods. Now the Gottmans, together with the Love Lab research facility, have put these ideas into practice. What emerged from the Gottmans’ collaboration and decades of research is a body of advice that’s based on two surprisingly simple truths: Happily married couples behave like good friends, and they handle their conflicts in gentle, positive ways. The authors offer an intimate look at ten couples who have learned to work through potentially destructive problems-extramarital affairs, workaholism, parenthood adjustments, serious illnesses, lack of intimacy-and examine what they’ve done to improve communication and get their marriages back on track. Hundreds of thousands have seen their relationships improve thanks to the Gottmans’ work. Whether you want to make a strong relationship more fulfilling or rescue one that’s headed for disaster, Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage is essential reading.
Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage Edition by John Gottman, PhD; Julie Schwartz Gottman; Joan DeClaire and Publisher Harmony. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780307347114, 0307347117. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781400050185, 1400050189.
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