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Updated to pair with the new Third Edition of Ottenheimer’s book, this notebook-sized workbook/reader offers classic and contemporary readings that illuminate and expand on the basic concepts introduced in the text, providing background information and insight. Exercises and guided student projects, ranging beginning to intermediate in skill level, are presented in workbook format, and pages are perforated so that can be torn out and handed in as assignment sheets. A series of exercises drawn from a single language is designed to show students the interconnectedness of different levels of analysis. Web exercise sections conclude with pointers to the Anthropology CourseMate website, where students will find glossary flashcards, interactive exercises, links to relevant additional websites, study questions, and key words to guide them. Instructors receive access to the online Instructor’s Manual with detailed notes for incorporating the readings and exercises, as well as tips for assigning the guided student projects.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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