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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For all shorter nurse assistant courses, especially those covering acute care (hospital) and nursing home (long-term care) environments. A step-by-step guide to whole-patient care, for the novice nursing assistant The Nursing Assistant fulfills the need for a brief, practical, and affordable guide to nursing assistance in today’s competitive health-care environment. This text is the foundation for any nursing assistant training program and applies equally to acute, subacute, or long-term care settings. Following the models of the nursing process, state curricula, and OBRA mandates, The Nursing Assistant provides 73 step-by-step procedures reflecting the tasks most commonly performed by nursing assistants. Reflecting the latest CDC, OSHA, and HIPAA guidelines, the 6th edition expands the discussion of patient-care goals and cultural awareness, and adds new person-centered case studies throughout.
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