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This book provides business professionals with the clearest, easiest roadmap to achieving highly effective departments and organizations. Are you baffled by how your department can keep making the same mistakes? Do you feel you have been climbing an unending, uphill battle trying to focus your employees’ limited time on more valuable work? These obstacles are so common in business that the solution to getting past them even has a name–business process improvement (BPI). Thankfully, though, you don’t have to be a BPI expert to resolve these situations and find the results your business needs to find success again. Written by experienced process analyst Susan Page, The Power of Business Process Improvement is the resource you need to find a simple, bottom-line approach to process improvement work. By implementing its proven 10-step method, you will be able to: Eliminate duplication and bureaucracy Control costs Establish internal controls to reduce human error Test and rework the process before introducing it Implement the changes Complete with software suggestions, quizzes, a comparison of industry improvement methods, and examples to help you apply the ideas, The Power of Business Process Improvement is your solution to turning your business into the well-oiled machine you know it can be.
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Additional ISBNs
The Power of Business Process Improvement: 10 Simple Steps to Increase Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Adaptability 2nd Edition is written by Susan Page and published by AMACOM. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Power of Business Process Improvement are 9780814436622, 0814436625 and the print ISBNs are 9780814436615, 0814436617. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781400242597.
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