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Make the transition from real estate agent to broker-owner and watch your income skyrocket! Endorsed as a Product Partner by the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers, The Real Estate Entrepreneur covers everything you need to know to launch your own successful real estate company. Drawing upon his two decades of real estate experience, Cliff Perotti covers everything from creating a vision for your company and building your brand to recruiting and training sales associates, and developing a strategic plan for the future. Perotti gives you informed, step-by-step discussions of: The reasons new brokerages fail-and how to avoid making the same mistakes Innovative ways to recruit and retain the best agents Proven methods for identifying your marketing niche and increasing your market share Techniques for structuring compensation plans that motivate without draining profits Tips for increasing visibility and revenue through websites, transaction management software, virtual assistants, and blog marketing Featuring insightful self-assessments, checklists, and exercises throughout, The Real Estate Entrepreneur is your hands-on guide to becoming a well-organized, established brokerage owner.
This is a digital product.
The Real Estate Entrepreneur 1st Edition is written by Perotti, Clifford and published by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Real Estate Entrepreneur are 9780071484343, 0071484345 and the print ISBNs are 9780071484343, 0071484345.
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