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A vivid, powerful, and controversial look at how the world gets Africa wrong, and how a resurgent Africa is forcing it to think again. Africa has long been misunderstood — and abused — by outsiders. Correspondent Alex Perry traveled the continent for most of a decade, meeting with entrepreneurs and warlords, professors and cocaine smugglers, presidents and jihadis. Beginning with a devastating investigation into a largely unreported war crime-in 2011, when the US and the major aid agencies helped cause a famine in which 250,000 Somalis died-he finds Africa at a moment of furious self-assertion. To finally win their freedom, Africans must confront three last false prophets-Islamists, dictators and aid workers-who would keep them in their bonds. Beautifully written, intimately reported, and sure to spark debate, The Rift passionately argues that a changing Africa revolutionizes our ideas of it, and of ourselves.
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Additional ISBNs
0316333794, 0316333778, 9780316333795, 9780316333771
The Rift: A New Africa Breaks Free is written by Alex Perry and published by Little, Brown and Company. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Rift are 9780316333795, 0316333794 and the print ISBNs are 9780316333771, 0316333778. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0316333794, 0316333778, 9780316333795, 9780316333771.
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