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The relationship between the arts and marketing has been growing ever more complex, as the proliferation of new technologies and social media has opened up new forms of communication. This book covers the broad and involved relationship between the arts and marketing. It frames “arts marketing” in the context of wider, related issues, such as the creative and cultural industries, cultural policy and arts funding, developments in the different art forms and the impact of environmental forces on arts business models and markets. The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing provides a comprehensive, up-to-date reference guide that incorporates current analyses of arts marketing topics by leaders of academic research in the field. As such, it will be a key resource for the next generation of arts marketing scholars and teachers and will constitute the single most authoritative guide on the subject internationally.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
041578350X, 0203748816, 1138385743, 9780415783507, 9780203748817, 9781138385740
The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing 1st Edition is written by Daragh O’Reilly and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing are 9781135012205, 1135012202 and the print ISBNs are 9780415783507, 041578350X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 041578350X, 0203748816, 1138385743, 9780415783507, 9780203748817, 9781138385740.
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